The Teams namespace contains a set of class functions for dealing with teams and team settings.
Class Functions
Class Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Teams.AreTeamsEnemies(integer team1, integer team2) |
boolean |
Returns true if teams are considered enemies under the current TeamMode. If either team is TEAM_NEUTRAL=0, returns false. | None |
Teams.AreTeamsFriendly(integer team1, integer team2) |
boolean |
Returns true if teams are considered friendly under the current TeamMode. If either team is TEAM_NEUTRAL=0, returns true. | None |
Teams.SetTeamMode(TeamMode team_mode) |
None |
Set the current team mode. | Server-Only |
Teams.GetTeamMode() |
TeamMode |
Get the current team mode. | None |
Example using:
In this example, a loop is done over 5 teams to see which are friendly, and which are enemies. Both functions can be used in a client script and server script.
Team 0 is always considered neutral.
-- Client script
local localPlayer = Game.GetLocalPlayer()
local playerTeam =
for i = 0, 4 do
if Teams.AreTeamsEnemies(playerTeam, i) then
print("You are enemies with team: " .. tostring(i))
elseif Teams.AreTeamsFriendly(playerTeam, i) then
print("You are friendly with team: " .. tostring(i))
See also: Game.GetLocalPlayer | | CoreLua.print
Dernière mise à jour:
20 juin 2023